Below is a set of possible book club discussion questions.
- Emerson loves to read. She especially enjoys the classics. Do you have a favorite book or author? Do you prefer contemporary stories or classics? Why?
- Emerson and Reid become intrigued by the mysterious history of the lodge. Have you ever researched the history of a place you enjoy? Does your home have an interesting background?
- Emerson is warmly welcomed by Josie and Liz. Was there ever a time when people welcomed you in a new situation? Or have you experienced a time when people were not so welcoming? Do you try to be someone who reaches out to newcomers?
- Josie and Liz recognized that Emerson was going through a rough time and offered her prayers and encouragement. While expressing our faith is difficult, it can be exactly the light someone needs. Why is it so challenging to share our beliefs with others? (If you are curious about the backstories of Josie and Liz, you can check out the previous two books in my Finding Faith series, Into the Spotlight and Charting the Course.)
- Emerson believes her prayers are not being answered. Have you ever felt that way? How did you handle those feelings?
- Do you trust God completely with your life? Do you try to solve your own problems before you give them to God in prayer?
- When Emerson and her cousin shared what they knew about a dangerous situation, their families were put in danger. Do you think it was the right decision?
- Emerson regrets taking her previous life for granted. If everything you knew suddenly changed, how would you feel? Take a moment to reflect on all the good things in your life.
- The internet can be an amazing tool, but it can also cause problems, such as leading us to harmful sites, exposing us to things shouldn’t be viewing, and inviting us into interactions with dangerous people. Do you think it’s wise for parents to limit internet activity?
- If you were part of Emerson’s family, would you want to create a new home in Minnesota or go back home to Missouri? What are the pros and cons of each scenario?